At GGSC our coaches have successfully coached 100's of women achieve their cycling goals and one of the keys to success is understanding the cycling psychology of the athletes we coach. We are all different and we all feel motivated in different ways. One thing that stands true to all of us is that at times we often don't feel motivated. It often happens to me and it happens to all cyclists from beginner level and it does happen to the pros too!
At GGSC we really believe the importance of understanding what motivates our athletes and to tailor the training in response to it.

Here are some example of what we find motivates our cyclists and athletes:
Getting all the workouts subscribed done: some of us are box tickers and feel the motivation to get the training done that is set, which is going to be a great in helping you get stronger and achieve your goals.
Some of us love routine: Some of us love to have a routine and do similar workouts each week, so we can see the progress we are making
Some of us love variety: Some athletes will get bored with routine and seek out variety. This often suited multi discipline cyclists, for example road and off road bikers and triathletes.
Some of us really need to see the process: Whilst some of us are happy to get the session done, we know some of us really like to see the methods behind it to understand how what we are doing will get to where we want to be.
Whatever are cycling psychology it's always good to have a goal and keep believing in ourselves!
To find out how we can help you achieve your cycling goals with our online Book a Free Discovery Call